Open Data by the Numbers

NYC Open Data has more than a million visitors each year – people who are interested in learning more about how NYC works, conducting an analysis about a particular community, or just looking for real-world data.

These visitors come from across NYC, around the country and the world:

50% of our visitors are from New York
35% of our visitors are from the United States
15% of our visitors come from around the world

Locations where the most international visitors come from:

  1. Hong Kong
  2. Singapore
  3. London, UK
  4. Toronto, Canada
  5. Beijing, China
  6. Gurugram, India
  7. Bengaluru, India
  8. Managua, Nicaragua
  9. Melbourne, Australia
  10. Seoul, South Korea

In addition to people who visit NYC Open Data directly, many others just download data to their computers or write programs that connect directly to NYC Open Data Each dataset has its own Application Programming Interface (API) endpoint, which allows anything from an interactive map to a Twitter bot to get the latest data automatically.

As more people learn to employ this technology, the number of times data is accessed automatically will only grow. During 2021, NYC Open Data was accessed by API a total of more than 2.6 million times and downloaded from a total of more than 900,000 times. This is a 61% increase in API calls and a 77% increase in downloads from 2020. You can learn more about our APIs and how to use them here.

A clean soil receiving site at the NY Hall of Science.
Fiscal Year 2020.
Most Popular Datasets, FY2021, by Views Most Popular Datasets, FY2021, by Downloads Most Popular Datasets, FY 2021, by API Calls
1. 311 Service Requests from 2010 to Present
(NYC 311)
1. For Hire Vehicles (FHV) - Active
(Taxi & Limousine Commission)
1. Motor Vehicle Collisions β€” Crashes
2. Civil Service List (Active)
(Department of Citywide Administrative Services)
2. For Hire Vehicles (FHV) - Active Drivers
(Taxi & Limousine Commission)
2. 311 Service Requests from 2010 to Present
3. Motor Vehicle Collisions β€” Crashes
3. LinkNYC Locations
(Department of Information Technology &Telecommunications)
3. DOB Job Application Filings
(Department of Buildings)
4. FHV Base Aggregate Report
(Taxi & Limousine Commission)
4. LinkNYC Kiosk Status
(Department of Information Technology &Telecommunications)
4. DOHMH New York City Restaurant Inspection Results
(Department of Health and Mental Hygiene)
5. Citywide Payroll Data (Fiscal Year)
(Office of Payroll Administration)
5. Medallion Drivers - Active
(Taxi & Limousine Commission)
5. DOB Permit Issuance
(Department of Buildings)