Build Communities

Supporting New Yorkers with tools and information to help them solve local problems, and amplifying the voices of people who find solutions using NYC Open Data.

Children enjoying the sprinklers at Domino Park in Brooklyn

Share Stories of Impact and Success

Strategic Initiative Notes Timeline 2024 Status
20. Create “Powered by NYC Open Data” brand to identify initiatives that have used NYC Open Data and create guidelines for usage and citation. We are continuing to use "Powered by NYC Open Data" to advertise Open Data Week and will be sharing updated guidelines for citing Open Data.


In Progress

21. Demonstrate impact of open data usage through focused case studies, communications and storytelling.

Highlights of how open data is being created, used and improved are now regularly featured in this report.



22. Facilitate regular peer exchange among Open Data Coordinators to help capture and share lessons and best practices. The Open Data Team has continually engaged veteran Open Data Coordinators to improve the processes we use. In recent years, this has included updates to our trainings, help desk platform, compliance process, data-quality standards, and documentation template.

In 2022 and 2023, the team has focused on improving how new Open Data Coordinators come to understand the program and their role. The Health, Parks, and Transportation Departments have shared materials they use to communicate Open Data requirements and deadlines, and onboard new staff. In the future, similar resources will be shared in a public library of tools and processes so agencies can better learn from each other’s practices.


Core Principle

23. Continue engaging existing citywide programs in integrating open data into their process, service, or curriculum in order to improve reach and equitable access to Open Data—similar to past efforts with Computer Science for All and Participatory Budgeting NYC. In May 2020, more experienced Open Data Coordinators helped to create training videos and joined a virtual panel during our online training seminar.

Since 2022, the NYC Open Data Ambassadors program partnered with Borough President and City Council member offices, Community Boards, and NYC’s Civic Engagement Commission to host introductory trainings on NYC Open Data. These classes continue to be offered year-round, with the latest schedule available at


In Progress

Fulfill the Promise of “Open Data for All”

Strategic Initiative Notes Timeline 2024 Status
24. Foster connections between people whose questions can be answered with open data and tech-savvy communities who are interested in helping them find solutions, promoting equity of access to insights generated using open data.

Community building and education have only grown in importance for NYC Open Data since this initiative was first identified. The Open Data Ambassadors Program teaches data-savvy Ambassadors from a variety of professional backgrounds to share their knowledge with data-curious New Yorkers. The annual Open Data Week festival brings together students, data professionals, civic hackers, artists, government wonks, community activists, and more to learn from each other about how they're using or might use free public data about New York City. Over the coming year, our team will continue its work on revamping the Open Data Project Gallery to both improve the connections between these projects and their underlying datasets, and to highlight more projects created by City agencies.


Core Principle

25. Assess “Data Counts” pilot, connecting library visitors to NYC Open Data, for potential to scale.

The Open Data Ambassadors Program continues to expand. Over the past year we have collaborated with BetaNYC to introduce nearly a thousand New Yorkers to Open Data and hosted classes in partnership with NYC’s Civic Engagement Commission, Borough Presidents, City Council members, and Community Boards. The program is powered by volunteer Ambassadors who are trained to teach New Yorkers about the value of public data. In the summer of 2023, we trained a new cohort of more than 30 additional volunteer Ambassadors who will soon be ready to help spread awareness of Open Data throughout the NYC's diverse communities.



26. Continue to grow the annual Open Data Week celebration.

"Open Data Week 2024 saw record high number of applications, with nearly 200 from people interested in organizing events and almost 80 from prospective Data Through Design artists. Working alongside our partners at civic tech non-profit BetaNYC and the volunteer art collective Data Through Design, these applications became 63 virtual, in-person, or hybrid Open Data Week events, 42 School of Data sessions, and 9 Data Through Design art exhibits.

During the week, nearly 4,900 New Yorkers joined Open Data Week in 2024 for a record turnout, including a similar high mark of more than 400 people joining the Data Through Design opening night. Even if you didn't make it, you can still catch up on past events on our YouTube channel:


Core Principle

27. Launch issues-focused community sessions building on the “Learn About NYC” event series.

As part of the Open Data Week 2022 festival, the Open Data Team worked with agencies to tell the stories of their specific operations through the datasets they publish during agency "Office Hours" sessions. Recent Open Data Weeks have included events from dozens of different agencies at all levels of government participating in conversations about NYC data.


In Progress