Open Data Compliance Plan

The ultimate outcome of the annual Open Data reporting process is an updated list of datasets that each agency will publish in compliance with NYC’s Open Data Law. These new datasets are partially informed by what agencies are already sharing — including data sent in reponse to Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests and what agencies are posting on their websites. The Compliance Plan also details how agencies actively promoted their public datasets through civic engagement activities. After a close review by the Open Data Team and any revisions by the submitting agency, this information is compiled into a plan that offers a glimpse into what will soon be shared on NYC Open Data.

This year’s plan reflects not only new datasets and shifts in publishing, but also the application of our own quality assurance standards to this reporting. Since 2014, every new plan meant the creation of a new dataset for each of that plan’s components. As we reach a total of nearly 50 datasets, we have decided to consolidate this reporting for easier maintenance and comparison — following the same advice that we would give to any City agency. These consolidated datasets will retain historical data while incorporating new records each year.

Compliance Plan Dataset What's Included and How to Use It

Open Data Plan: Future Releases

Upcoming datasets scheduled for release on the Open Data Platform according to the Open Data Plan

Here, you will find the agency that provides each dataset, the dataset's name, its description, update frequency, scheduled release date, and any comments about the dataset left by the Agency. Use this to find out what new datasets will be available soon.

Open Data Plan: Dataset Removals

Datasets that were removed from the Open Data Plan

Here, you will find the agency that owns each dataset and reasonings for each removal. Use this to understand why datasets that were scheduled for released will not be published

Open Data Plan: Agency Website Data

Public data that is available on each Agency's website

This includes links to each dataset and indicates whether or not it can also be found on NYC Open Data. Use this in tandem with the Open Data Plan: Future Releases dataset to see where the underlying sources for new datasets are coming from.

Open Data Plan: FOIL Datasets

New releases to the Open Data Platform that are a result of an answered FOIL request

Use this in tandem with the Open Data Plan: Future Releases dataset to match up the datasets listed and the Open Data Plan: FOIL Metrics dataset to see how many requests resulted in new datasets.

Open Data Plan: FOIL Metrics

How many FOIL requests each agency has received

This includes a count of all FOIL requests each agency has received for the year and breaks down that number in categories that describe their relation to Open Data.

Open Data Plan: Completed Civic Engagement Activities

Civic engagement activities completed by each agency

Civic engagement activities are ways in which agencies can connect with the public via programming that helps people understand the inner workings of city government. This includes details on the civic engagement activities each agency has completed over the past year.